=================== W3C Interpretations =================== datasets ======== Can track other machine readable APIs or wrap flat urls into a DCAT compatible system. Note: dataset in the client wireframes is CatalogRecord in the backend. Internal models are templated after https://github.com/compilerla/los-angeles-data-sources * Exports a searchable index for use with django-haystack. * Index can be filtered geo-spatially or structured using SKOS (see DCAT theme category field) * Can sync against various backends (Socrata, ArcGIS) to populate meta data fields * Tracks column definitions * Support RDF DCAT serialization * Additional fields for user submissions, allow for crowd-sourcing Informal Data Model Specification: https://github.com/compilerla/los-angeles-data-sources Referenced spreadsheet for modeling: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uNtA4GbBwky8PPdNUvmXXZCI1GLtH5cGF-Q0FqD90w0/edit#gid=612549376 ALSO see: * https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema/ * https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat/ focus ===== Represents a limited W3C Simple Knowledge Organization System https://www.w3.org/TR/skos-primer/ * `ConceptModel` is a SKOS concept with defined labels. * `FeaturedInterest` is a page calling attention to a concept(s) * Concepts may be ordered in a tree view (django-mptt). * other models in the site may be associated to concepts for enhanced searching * Support RDF SKOS serialization * Imports SKOS & OWL * Search engine may span special concept relationships to expand searches